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說明/ 體長約 4.1–4.6 公分,含翅長約 6.5 公分,體色為黑色或黑褐色,複眼黑色,單眼淡紅色。翅透明,翅面上具有黑色斑紋。外觀近似臺灣熊蟬,但本種前翅基二分之一翅脈為綠色,臺灣熊蟬為紅褐色。剛羽化的個體佈滿金黃色的細毛,雄蟲腹部發音器呈橙黃色。 本種為臺灣最普遍的蟬,從平地到海拔 1200 公尺山區都可發現,城市或校園中也很常見。會群聚,成蟲出現於 4 到 10 月,白天常見於喬木上鳴唱,會齊鳴,夜晚有趨光性。(李穎松攝)
It is about 4.1-4.6 cm in length, 6.5 cm with wings included. The body color is white or blackish-brown. The compound eyes are black; the single eyes are light red. The wings are transparent with black patterns on the surface. Similar to Cryptotympana holsti in appearance, the front part of its forewing veins are green, while those of Cryptotympana holsti are reddish-brown. The newly emerged adults are covered with golden fine hairs. The male’s sound-producing organ in the abdomen is orange-yellow. It is the most commonly seen species of cicadas in Taiwan, distributed across plains and mountains near the elevation of 1200 m, as well as cities and campuses. It appears in groups. Adults emerge between April and October. During the day, it can be seen singing in trees. At night, it shows phototaxis. (Photo courtesy of Li Ying-song)