紋白蝶 (又名 白粉蝶)


說明/ 展翅約5 公分,是白粉蝶屬下的一種,喜歡吸食花蜜。翅膀白色,前翅端有一枚黑色大斑,翅面中央有2 枚醒目的黑色斑點,後翅緣無黑斑。成蟲體長約2–3 公分,頭胸部灰黑色。幼蟲,即毛蟲,因常危害白菜、青江菜、高麗菜等食用蔬菜,常被農民視為不受歡迎的菜蟲。本種又稱日本紋白蝶,常與臺灣紋白蝶混淆,紋白蝶主要分布於中南部,尤其空曠的農田或菜園數量很多,臺灣紋白蝶則分布於北部或低、中海拔山區。( 彭楨儒攝)
With a wingspan of about 5 cm, it is a butterfly in the genus Pieris that likes to feed on nectar. The wings are greyish-white with one black spot on the anterior edge of the forewings and two distinct black spots in the middle, while the hindwings are without black spots. Adults are about 2-3 cm in length. The head and the thorax are greyish black. The larvae often feed on Napa Cabbages, Bok Choy, Cabbages and other vegetables, leading them to be loathed by farmers. Also called“Japanese Cabbage White,” it is often confused with the Indian Cabbage White. It is mostly distributed in central and southern regions, especially in open farmlands or gardens. The Indian Cabbage White, on the other hand, is seen in the northern region, or low and mid altitude mountains. (Photo courtesy of Peng Zhen-ru)