

說明/ 雄成蟲體長1.2–1.6 公分,雌成蟲1.5–2.6 公分,體色褐色或灰褐色,會隨周遭環境改變,形成良好保護色。前胸背板有瘤狀小突起,是其命名由來。後腳腿節有3條粗細不一的黑色橫斑,體側具絨毛。本種分布於平地至低海拔山區,全年可見。棲息於向陽的土坡、岩石、草叢等利於隱蔽的地方,受到騷擾時會先按兵不動,觀察狀況後再跳離。本校可於高師亭與小生態池附近觀察到其蹤跡,其他景點於有日照的小徑旁草叢或灌叢中也有機會發現。(陳家駒攝)
Adult males 1.2-1.6 cm in length, adult females 1.5-2.6 cm, its body color is brown or greyish-brown and changes with the environment, providing it with a nice camouflage. The pronotum is tuberculate, giving it its Chinese name “Wart Locust.” The hind legs are marked by three black stripes with varying widths. There are numerous fine hairs covering the sides of its body. It is distributed across plains and low altitude mountains, and can be seen throughout the year. It inhabits sunny slopes, hiding between rocks and grasses. When disturbed, it remains still for a while before jumping away. On campus, it can be seen around the Gao Gazebo and the Small Ecological Pond, as well as in the bushes near sunny paths. (Photo courtesy of Chen Jia-ju)