

說明/ 展翅約5–6 公分,為全年可見的大型蝶種。青帶鳳蝶飛行速度極快,雖一閃而過,但不難辨識,因為翅膀兩面都有一列水青色帶狀斑紋。雄蝶前翅端偏尖,翅膀整體像一三角形。後翅外緣呈明顯波浪狀。雌蝶體型較大,雄雌特徵上無明顯差異。幼蟲的寄主植物是樟樹或大葉楠,蛹為綠色,像一片捲起的樟樹葉,有葉柄和葉脈,非常可愛。常在低海拔的潮濕與開闊地帶活動,在公園、街道及樹林空地也常見。喜歡吸食花蜜或群聚於潮濕的地面吸水。(吳宜儒攝)
It has a wingspan of 5-6 cm and is a large-sized species that can be seen throughout the year. Although known for quick flight and rapid reactions, it is not hard to identify the species due to the distinctive pale blue bands spreading across both sides of its wings. The male’s forewings are more pointed at the front end and shaped like triangles overall; the hindwings’ edge is wavy. The female is larger in size but differs not much from the male in other aspects. The larvae feed on Camphor Trees or Large-leaved Nanmu. The pupa is green, looking like a curled up camphor leaf with veins and a petiole. It moves in the wet and wide areas in low altitude regions and can often be seen in parks, streets, or the open areas inside a forest. It likes to feed on nectar or drink water on wet ground in groups. (Photo courtesy of Wu Yi-ru)