

說明/ 無毒小型蛇類,體長約90 公分,體色為灰褐色和黃褐色花紋交錯,身體前半部有明顯的黑色橫紋,橫紋兩端各有一白色斑點。日行性,卵生,性情溫和,特別喜食蛙類,偶爾也吃昆蟲。花浪蛇廣泛分布於臺灣本島1000 公尺以下區域,棲息於平原、盆地、低海拔山區以及河邊、水田邊、農墾地與草地等,以靠近水源處為主。花浪蛇

A non-venomous snake that is about 90 cm in length. The body has intermixing brownish-grey and yellowish-grey markings. The front of the body has distinct black lateral stripes with a white spot on each end. Diurnal, oviparous, it is docile in nature and particularly likes to feed on frogs and occasional insects. Widely distributed across regions below the altitude of 1000 m in Taiwan, it inhabits plains, basins, low altitude mountains, riversides, paddy fields, cultivated lands, and grasslands, staying close to water sources. It used to be commonly seen around paddy fields. However, its population has largely decreased in recent years. (Photo courtesy of Li Ying-song)