樹鵲 (又名 灰樹鵲)

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說明/ 普遍留鳥,臺灣特有亞種,全長約60–70 公分,尾羽約佔一半長度。喙與頭的前部為黑色,頭頂及上背為石板灰色。翼和尾為黑色,喉部以下為灰褐色,腹部灰白。常成小群在樹叢中活動,嘴粗厚有力,略微下彎。雜食性,以昆蟲、蜥蜴、花蜜及果實為食,偶爾會飛到地面,翹起長尾巴在地面上跳躍前進。多見於低海拔森林地帶,叫聲近似「嘎、嘎、嘎」或「葛葛哩–」之混音。繁殖期為4 至6 月,築巢在樹叢高處,以細樹枝為材料,巢呈淺盤狀。(顏鈺杰攝)
A common resident bird, endemic subspecies of Taiwan, 60-70 cm in length, of which its tail takes up half of its size. The front of its beak and head are black, and the top of its head and upper back are slate grey. Its wings and tail are black. The parts under its throat are greyish-brown. Its belly is greyish-white. It often moves in small groups in groves. The beak is thick and strong with a slightly downward curve. It is omnivorous, feeding on insects, lizards, nectar and fruits. Occassionally, it can be seen hopping on the ground with its long tail tilted upwards. Mostly seen in forests growing at low altitudes, it makes grating “ga-ga-ga” or “gr-gr-lee” calls. It breeds from April to June, building its shallow cup nests made with twigs high in the trees. (Photo courtesy of Yan Yu-jie)