
說明/ 常綠大喬木,樹幹挺拔,樹高可達 20 公尺以上,因木材呈桃花色澤而得名。葉互生,偶數羽狀複葉,長15–25公分,小葉3–6對,斜卵形或長橢圓形,長 5–8公分, 寬2.5–4公分,先端尖基部鈍。花小形,多數,開放時直徑僅 0.5–0.7 公分,生長於枝條先端。因木材質地堅韌又有美麗的光澤,為優良的傢俱用材。同時,因樹姿優美也是造林或行道樹的高級樹種。本校共栽有 93 棵,分別植於中正大道兩側,理學院中庭與學人宿舍邊坡。(陸維元攝)
Mahogany is an evergreen tree that can grow to more than 20 m tall and yields reddish brown timber. The leaves are pinnately compound, 15-25 cm in length, each with three to five pairs of ovate or oblong leaflets that are 5-8 cm long and 2.5-4 cm wide with pointed tip. The flowers are small, 0.5-0.7 cm in diameter, and grow in clusters at the ends of branchlets. Due to its strength and golden lustre, Maghony wood is a good material for furniture. In addition, its beautiful shape also makes it a top choice for afforestation or sidewalks. There are a total of 93 Mahogany trees on campus, distributed on both sides of the Chung Cheng Boulevard; the courtyard of the College of Science; and on the slope next to the Faculty House. (Photo courtesy of Lu Wei-yuan)