

說明/ 常綠中喬木,樹高可達 20–25 公尺,樹皮灰色有光澤。單葉互生,長橢圓形,長 10–23 公分,寬 4–8 公分,先端尖銳, 基部圓或鈍。花有梗,單一或數朵簇生於無葉的枝條上。花期約5到10月,初開時為綠色,成熟後轉為黃色,香氣撲鼻。可提煉香精,是世界著名的「綺蘭」香油來源,用以製造高級香水。本校共栽有172 棵,植於學人宿舍道路兩旁。(陸維元攝)
An evergreen medium-sized tree that can grow to 20-25 m tall with a gray, glossy bark. The leaves are alternate, elliptic-oblong, 10-23 cm long, 4-8 cm wide, with pointed tips and round bases. The flower is long-stalked, appearing singly or in clusters on leafless branches. Flowering occurs from May to October, producing green flowers that turn yellow when ripe with a strong fragrance. It is valued for the perfume extracted from its flowers, called “Ylang-Ylang.” There are 172 Ylang Ylang trees on campus, growing on both sides of the Faculty House Trail. (Photo courtesy of Lu Wei-yuan)