

說明/ 落葉灌木,全株高1–3 公尺,樹幹直立,具有多數分枝。羽狀複葉,小葉7–10對,長橢圓形,略呈鐮刀狀。午後3、4 點起,羽葉常自然閉合。花冠呈圓球形,鮮紅色,絲絨狀花序之雄蕊非常特殊。花期夏至秋季,果實為長條扁平狀莢果。本校共栽有320 棵,分別植於寧靜湖四周與社會科學院停車場附近。(陸維元攝)

A deciduous shrub that can grow to 1-3 m tall with an upright trunk and many branches. The leaves are pinnate with elliptic leaflets, 7-10 pairs, shaped like a sickle. The foliage naturally closes around 3-4 o’clock in the afternoon. It has powder-puff-like flower heads, consisting of masses of scarlet stamens. Flowering occurs from summer to autumn. The fruit is a flat, linear pod. There are 320 Red-headed Calliandra shrubs on campus, distributed around Tranquility Lake and the parking lot of the College of Social Sciences. (Photo courtesy of Lu Wei-yuan)