

說明/ 落葉大喬木,樹高可達20公尺以上,原產於熱帶亞洲、美洲與澳洲。樹幹通直,具有多數分枝,樹皮光滑,灰褐色。二回羽狀複葉,長20–40公分,小葉長橢圓形,長1–2.4公分,寬0.4–0.9公分。花頂生於枝端,總狀花序,色彩鮮黃,莢果扁平類似豌豆。夏季開花,花瓣5片,倒卵形,長1.6–2.1公分,雄蕊10枚,雌蕊柱頭呈盾狀,這是盾柱木命名的由來。本校共栽有398棵,分別植於管理學院停車場、高師亭兩側與學人宿舍旁水土保持區。(陸維元攝)
A deciduous tree that can grow to more than 20 m tall, native to tropical Asia, the Americas, and Australia. The trunk is upright with many branches. The bark is smooth and greyish-brown in color. The leaves are bipinnate, 20-40 cm long; the leaflets are oval, 1-2.4 cm long, 0.4-0.9 cm wide. The flowers are bright yellow, produced in compound raceme. The pods are flat, similar to peas. The flowers appear in summer, consisting of five obovate petals, 1.6-2.1 cm long. There are ten stamens and the stigma of pistil forms the shape of a shield, hence the name “Shield Bearer” in Chinese. There are 398 Yellow Flame trees on campus, distributed around the parking lot of the College of Management, the Gao Gazebo and the soil and water conservation district near Faculty House. (Photo courtesy of Lu Wei-yuan)