

說明 / 常綠喬木,樹高可達 25 公尺,直徑約 30–50 公分。樹幹直立,分枝多,樹冠 呈傘形,樹皮有灰白斑點,表面平滑。葉為掌狀複葉,由 5 片小葉構成,秋冬會落葉, 中間一葉最大,開花時仍有部分葉片留在樹上。花多數,紫紅色至粉紅色,沒有香味, 開放時直徑約 3–5 公分,長 7–8 公分,叢生略呈頭狀花序,約同一時間內集體開放。 花季時,整株綻放嫣紫鈴鐺花海,好似許多小風鈴掛在樹上,非常美觀,花期約 1 到 2 月。(陸維元攝)

An evergreen tree that can grow to 25 m tall with a diameter of about 30-50 cm. The trunk is upright with many branches. The crown is umbrella-shaped and the bark is smooth with grey spots. The leaves are palmately compound, consisting of five leaflets, the central one being the largest. The leaves fall off in autumn and winter with some still attached to stems during flowering seasons. The flowers are mostly purplish-red and pink without scents. When in bloom, the flowers have a diameter about 3-5 cm and are 7-8 cm long, growing in head-like clusters which mostly bloom around the same time. During flowering seasons, the plant is covered in flowers that dangle in the air like wind chimes. Flowering occurs mainly in January and February. (Photo courtesy of Lu Wei-yuan)