

說明/ 展翅約5–6 公分,雄蝶翅膀背面白色,前翅外緣黑色。雌蝶翅膀背面較暗,前翅外緣黑色帶較寬,後翅外緣有不明顯黑斑,翅腹面為米黃色或淡水青色,具不明顯的波浪紋。分布於平地至低海拔山區,全年可見,常出現於矮樹叢或花朵間飛行。水青粉蝶卵為白色,呈紡綞形。幼蟲蟲體為鮮綠色,以鐵刀木、阿勃勒、望江南、決明等豆科植物為寄主。成蟲在本校通識中心四周幾乎全年可見,尤其喜歡在清晨的陽光下吸食長穗木(如圖)的花蜜。( 陸維元攝)
It has a wingspan of 5-6 cm. The surface of the male’s forewings is chalky white, tinted with black at the front. The surface of the female’s forewings is darker, tinted with a wider black band at the front. The hind wings have a series of terminal black spots at the apices of the veins. The underside of the female’s wings is light yellow or pale green, with indistinct wavy patterns. It is seen throughout the year across plains and low altitude mountains, often spotted flying between bushes or flowers. The eggs are white and shaped like thick spindles. The larvae are green in color and feed on Kassod Trees, Golden Shower Trees, Coffee Sennas, Sickle Sennas and other members of the Fabaceae family. The adult can be seen almost throughout the year near the Center for General Education, especially at dawn when it can be seen feeding on the nectar of Jamaica False-valerian (see picture). (Photo courtesy of Lu Wei-yuan)