

說明/ 體長2.5–2.8 公分,體色大多為褐色或深褐色,頭與前胸背板呈暗褐色,側面的眼睛呈橘色或紅色。腹部背面斑紋變異很大,左右各有1 枚尖突。腹部前面較寬往後漸尖,看起來就像是一個倒三角形,三角鬼蛛的名稱因此而來。本種為大型蜘蛛,雌蛛常見於樹林中,夜晚織網,網面很大。白天停棲於較高的枝葉間,受到騷擾時身體會緊縮但不會逃竄,雄蛛體長則僅0.3–0.4 公分不容易看到。(彭楨儒攝)
It is 2.5-2.8 cm in length and brown or dark brown in color. The head and tergum are dark brown. The eyes on the sides are orange or red. The patterns on the abdomen are variable with a sharp spike on each side of the reversed triangular abdomen, giving it its Chinese name “Triangular Ghost Spider.” It is large in size. Females are often seen in forests, constructing webs during the night with a wide surface. During the day, it stays amongst higher branches and leaves. When threatened, it curls up its body but does not run away. Males are only 0.3-0.4 cm in length and are rarely seen. (Photo courtesy of Peng Zhen-ru)