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說明/ 雄蛙體長約4.2–4.9 公分,雌蛙4.9–5.7 公分,臺灣特有種,廣泛分布於全島三千公尺以下的果園、樹林及開墾地。眼睛虹彩為橘紅色,鼓膜及顳褶明顯,背部墨綠色,會隨環境變深或變淺。體側為白色或黃色,有許多大小不一的黑斑,股部內側橘紅色,外側有明顯的白色皮瓣。棲息繁殖於靜止水域,本種以中海拔地區分布最為廣泛,學人宿舍警衛室後方小水池為本校唯一莫氏樹蛙棲地。(彭楨儒攝)
Males 4.2-4.9 cm in length, females 4.9-5.7 cm, an endemic species of Taiwan. It is distributed across orchards, forests, and cultivated lands growing under 3000 m in elevation. The iris is orange red; the tympanum and temporal fold are visible. Its back is dark green and changes to darker or lighter greens according to the environment. The sides of its body are white or yellow, with irregular black spots. The inner side of its thigh is orange red; the outer side has visible white flaps. It inhabits still waters and is commonly seen in low elevation areas. On campus, it is only seen in the small pond behind the guard booth of the Faculty House. (Photo courtesy of Peng Zhen-ru)