說明/ 常綠大喬木,高可達20 公尺,為臺灣原生樹種。分布於臺灣北部、東部及南端海岸與蘭嶼綠島等地。樹皮灰褐色,有不規則細裂縫或細溝裂。葉倒卵形或長橢圓形,互生或叢生於小枝先端。開淡黃綠色小花,叢生於葉腋,花瓣6 枚。成熟的果實有硬厚的果皮,內含堅韌的果肉纖維保護種子。種子表面光滑能抵擋海水的浸泡,隨著海流漂到合適的地方繁衍。抗風耐鹽性強,可作為海邊防風林。(黃伊君攝)
Formosan Nato Tree is a large evergreen plant up to 20 m high. A native plant in Taiwan, it can be found in northern, eastern, and southern coastal regions, as well as on offshore islands such as Orchid Island and Green Island. The bark is cracked and reddish brown in color. The leaves are oval or oblong and cluster at the ends of branches. The flowers are light yellow and cluster in the proximal leaf axil of young branchlets with six petals. The fruits when ripe have hard shells containing thick fibers that protect the seeds inside. The surface of the seed is smooth and impervious to saltwater, allowing it to travel long distances in seas and oceans in order to germinate in suitable environments. The plant can tolerate strong winds and excessive salt, making it capable of serving as a coastal windbreak. (Photo courtesy of Huang Yi-jun)