

說明/ 一或二年生草本植物,高度30–100公分。葉對生,三出複葉或五葉,小葉卵形或卵橢圓形,葉端尖銳,邊緣有鋸齒。頭狀花序呈繖形狀排列,頂生或腋生,花具長梗,白色舌狀花瓣4–8枚。黑褐色、細長的果實聚集成球狀,上端有具倒刺的萼片,常附著於人及動物身上藉以散佈果實。俗名「恰查某」,因大量繁殖壓縮到本土植物的生存空間,名列臺灣二十大危害力最高的入侵植物。(黃伊君攝)
An annual species of herbaceous plant that can grow to 30-100 cm. The leaves are oppositely arranged and range from simple to pinnate in form, the upper leaves with three to five dentate, ovate-to-lanceolate leaflets. The flowers are small heads borne on long peduncles. The heads consist of 4-8 white ray florets. The seeds are dark brown and are clustered on the end of the stalk. The barbed spines of the achenes often get stuck in the feathers or fur of animals, and the clothing of people, which helps its distribution. Commonly called “Fierce Woman” in Taiwanese Hokkien, the plant is listed among the top 20 invasive plants due to its high reproductive rate. (Photo courtesy of Huang Yi-jun)