

說明/ 常綠灌木或小喬木,高約30–200公分,原產於澳洲,植株低矮,葉退化成鞘齒狀,輪生環繞於小枝節上。灰綠色小枝條又細又長,像針葉一般。雌雄異株,雄花為穗狀花序,雌花為頭狀花序。植株萌芽力特強,耐修剪,通常修剪成圓形,在空曠草地上點綴,或是種植成防風林。本校共栽有936株,分別植於社科院北側草地、圖書館周邊與學人宿舍等處。(陸維元攝)
River oak is an evergreen shrub or small tree native to Australia that grows to a height of 30-200 cm. The plant is short in stature and its leaves are reduced to whorls of teeth around the stem. It has fine greyish-green needle-like foliage and is dioecious. Male flowers form short to long spikes. Female flowers form into heads. It has strong sprouting ability, can stand severe pruning, and is often pruned to a round shape decorating open grasslands or cultivated as windbreak. The campus has 936 River Oaks, distributed on the north-side lawn of the College of Social Sciences, around the Library and Faculty House. (Photo courtesy of Lu Wei-yuan)